Memories of murder is a South Korean film directed by Bong Joon Ho starring Kang Ho Song and Kim Sang Kyung as lead .


A detective from Seol has been called to investigate a series of murder and rape cases occuring in the city of Hwaseong in the late 90s. The film revolves around these 2 protagonists and them trying to solve these cases. The story of Memories Of Murder is believed to be true.


Personally I liked the film alot because of it's story and visuals. The film truly keeps you seated throughout as every introduction of a character leads to a new conclusion. The story revolves around the 2 inspectors one from a Seol and one who is a local. We can see conflict between the ideologies of 2 throughout the film. 

   Throughout the film we see different suspects are being investigated , but the police is unable to find the murderer. The thing which I liked is that, the film started with vibrant color scene where we can see clear sky , yellow fields , a sunny day as it is the first case registered and as the film move forward we see that the whole film is is dark , moody  and desaturated colors to represent the failure of the cops trying to solve this case. The film also focuses on conversatory scenes with a comic touch. I really liked a scene where The cop who is local , is feeling the emotion of failure , is trying to figure what is he doing wrong and that is depicted with his wife in a wide shot . 

The film also tries to initially put our focus to the color red as it is a common findings in the series of murder to compliment this they use colors that compliment red like depiction of green fields, blue lights etc. 


During the last minutes of film we see that the mystery of the killer remains unsolved and years have gone by and now everyone is focused in their lives and the local inspector involved is now in a different profession and while travelling he stops at the place where the first killing was reported , from where the film started. The visuals were similar to the way as the film started with yellow fields , open blue sky , through which we can say the film used a circular storytelling approach.
                 Overall I would say the film is a must watch for people who like thriller , crime related mysterious films .


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