

Joram is a movie written and directed by Devashish Makhija with Manoj Bajpayee, Sandeep Shikhar, Amrendra Sharma and Md Zeeshan Ayub .


The story revolves around a man named Dasru/Bala who is on a run with his little baby girl to escape the troubles caused beacuse of his past life. Dasru is a Tribal man from Jharkhand who has been working as a worker in Mumbai for last 6 years. Dasru is claimed to be a rebellion in Jharkhand and series of events occcur due to which his life is in danger. I really liked how the story raises an issue regarding industrialisation and the 


Personally I liked wathcing the film,being a Manoj Bajpayee fan I was in awe of his acting and how he is dedicated to his character and makes us feel that he really is a tribal man. I really like how the story raises its concern towards rapid industrialisation and the problems caused by it to the local tribals .The story starts with a happy note with Manoj Bajpayee singing a folk song and his wife on a swing then as soon as the song stops the screen goes black and there is a transition to his current life as a co worker which is entirely different from the establishing shot.

The camera movements throughout the film are unstable which acts as a metaphor for the restlessness in Dasru's life. My favourite transition Dasru's past life scenes was going and he was leaving the house there was a transiton with an overlapping shot in which he was in truck returning back to his town after the incident occur. Minimal amount of dialogues also add on to the beauty if the film keeping it simple and letting the audience engage.

                 Thing which I found interesting in a film is when the endings are open ended. Here, at the end we don't know what actually happens to Dasru we only see camera movement with slow shutter which shows in tiredness and sound of his running and thats how the film ends. Overall I feel the film is really good and will keep you seated throughout. Lastly I would say it is a must watch film .


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