What is a dream ? Some say these are just random imaginations, some say these are our realities in the multiverse, but what are these no one exactly knows. Do we remember all our dreams?
Obviously not, but there are some which we desire to never end. 
                                                            My photobook " IT IS / IT ISN'T ", is about a dream which I saw and tried to convey it through my photos. I used interdisciplinary approach by combining text as dialogues and photos as the scene in 16:9 ratio to make the viewer feel of cinemascope. Using juxtaposition to resemble snapshots that occur in our dreams cause for me this dream wasn't a linear one. 



 Ok.... so how do you feel? Did you feel the itchiness or did you feel the peace going through it? Were these just landscapes? If they were then what was with the words? Was it a story? Then why didn’t it had an end?.....And why the and ? what after it ?..........Guess all answers lie here .........just in front of the eyes.....



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